this is why I can’t have nice things



Hazel is my playful, energetic 9-year-old ball of fur with big brown eyes and a cute little underbite. At night, Hazel likes to either shimmy her way under the blanket and sleep down by my feet, or lay on top of the blanket and chew 3,234,583 little holes in it which drives me absolutely nuts. I have no idea why she does it but she pretty much always has; it’s the reason I always have a needle and teal thread on hand so my bed doesn’t resemble swiss cheese.

So the other night around 3am, I woke up to her wriggling around under the blanket by my feet. I gave her a little nudge which usually quiets her down or gets her to move over, only this time she kept wriggling. Wouldn’t move over. Wriggling. Wriggling. It was not what I needed at 3am and I could feel my blood pressure start to rise. So I sat up, reached under the blanket to bring her up so I could snuggle with her, and……yeah. This is why she wasn’t budging.



The dog chewed a hole in the blanket, stuck her head through it and got stuck.

And this is why I can’t have nice things.


Filed under doggies, Funny, life, Pets, ridiculousness

5 responses to “this is why I can’t have nice things

  1. as

    Oh man – too funny and too tragic… She’s too old to re-train so maybe find a replacement for the time being? Stinks either way

  2. Colleen

    LOL. Just like my in law’s dog. We had to dog sit once and we got some nice holes in our comforter.

  3. Colleen

    Come back!

  4. Pingback: 463 days | rabit stew

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