diy: baby leg warmers

My latest DIY project: baby leg warmers! So easy, so cute, and they actually serve a purpose other the fact that my baby looks like she’s straight outta Flashdance…after not having working air conditioning for the first month that Summer was alive, we now keep our house at a chilly 71 degrees just because we can, and the leg warmers keep her gams nice and toasty while keeping other parts free for easy diaper changes. They’ll also come in handy in the near future protecting those cute little knees when she starts crawling across our rock hard wood and tile floors.

So here goes, baby leg warmers in 11 easy steps…

1. Go out and buy a pair of cute knee socks.

2. Hack off the feet. Warning: this might make you feel slightly like a weird psycho voodoo killer or it may be reminiscent of when you used to pull off your Barbie’s limbs. What, just me? I kid, I kid…I, um, totally didn’t do that either.

3) Moving on… cut about 2 inches down each side from the end you just cut (actually, everything you do from this point on is from that foot end you just cut, you won’t ever touch the knee end).

4. Turn decapitated sock inside out, take one end and fold about a 1/2 inch, then fold again and pin. Do the same to each side.

5. Using a zig zag stitch (it allows for good stretchiness), sew one flap that you just pinned, and then do the same to the other.

6. Using a straight stitch (I totally made that term up and have no idea if that’s what it’s called, hence the pictures), you’re going to sew up the sides of the leg to the top on a diagonal (to close the last of the 2 inches you cut in step 3). This takes some of the excess material away, otherwise the end will be too loose and won’t fit snugly on baby’s leg. And reading that back, it didn’t make any sense to me either, so just follow along with the pictures. 🙂

7. Cut off the excess corners just outside of the stitches you just sewed

8. Turn right side out and admire your work.

9. Look for the cutest baby you can find and put her in her favorite onesie (I swear, she cries every morning until I put her in this one).

10. Put leg warmers on cutest baby ever and listen to her tell you how much she loves them.

11. Go back to the store and buy every cute pair of knee socks they have so you can make a pair for every day of the week.

The end.

I’m thinking of starting an Etsy shop, baby stuff mostly, and these would be part of it though I’m not completely convinced anyone would actually buy anything. What do you all think…should I stick to outfitting my own baby or share the DIY goods? Input is greatly appreciated, although I do admire those of you who will go on to make millions of baby leg warmers from this, sell them, become baby leg warmer billionaires and don’t mention a word about this post.

Lucky bitches.


Filed under crafts, DIY, Summer

54 responses to “diy: baby leg warmers

  1. Cute! Not sure if I could get away with these for baby boy…maybe if I make them in navy his dad won’t mind him wearing them. 🙂

  2. Kathy

    You having waaaaay too much fun but I love your posts.

  3. You should totally sell these on etsy! I am on etsy all the time and I don’t think I’ve seen any listings of leg warmers.. which is weird.. but I know a few people that I would buy them for!

    Good Luck! They look awesome!

  4. md

    PLEASE START AN ETSY STORE!!!!!!!!!!! I would totally buy your stuff!

  5. I say sell ’em. They’re super cute. If I were having a girl you bet your ass she’d be wearing leg warmers too. Unfortunately I’m thinking my little boy/his daddy will not appreciate them as much as Summer clearly does!

  6. cari

    Love these!!! I know what I’m doing when I.get back.from vacation!!!

    And for am etsy shop…hell why not, you’re already making them so.why not try n get some money out of it 🙂

  7. I’d buy something; my cousin has a 10-week-old, and I’m pretty sure she’d love some camoflauged crib sheets. (hinthint! jk.) I think they’re cute.

  8. go for it (the etsy store)! if stuff sells, they sell, if they don’t, then what the hell is wrong with everybody? oops, meant to say if they don’t sell, then they don’t. i cannot believe you have time to do this–i am super impressed with these cute creations!

  9. I think you should totally start a store! These are super cute and I bet tons of people would buy them.

  10. Carol

    How do you have time to MAKE the leg warmers, and then WRITE a step-by-step guide to making them???? Just how much does this adorable baby (who we need to come see in person) sleep? You are amazing!! xoxo

  11. Should totally start the etsy store. I made something similar for my baby boy. Except we didn’t get all domestic and take out the sewing machine. I just chopped off the feet of my hubbies socks and stuck them on his leggs!

  12. How adorable! I say create a store, it’s a brilliant idea and you’re already making them. And…I had no idea sewing machines nowadays came with pre-set stitch settings! I must get myself one now 🙂

  13. Lisa

    Yes! Open an Etsy shop – I would love to buy these!

  14. I absolutely love your tutorials and have bookmarked them for future reference!!

  15. Colleen

    Do it! I would buy your leg warmers, your crib sheets, your mobiles… You make great stuff!

  16. Jessica

    Do it !! start an etsy store ! 🙂 I dont have a creative bone in my body and would never be able to recreate any of this stuff lol… Im totally in love with your leggings and being in good-ol Canada ( EH!) these leggings would be put to good use 🙂

  17. Thank you SOOOOO much for sharing! I love baby legs but $12+ is a little pricey. I love the idea of making my own. I am totally going to bookmark this and show my MIL (who owns a sewing machine) I really want to make these!!!
    Dumb question: Are you using grown-up sized knee socks?

  18. One more question: Why do you cut the socks on the sides before folding them over? Why did you not just roll up the bottom and then sew ? I assume there must be a reason but because I don’t really sew…I can’t figure out what it is 🙂

  19. Jenn

    Hey, I was wondering what brand/model of sewing machine you have. Love the stitch options!

  20. That looked really an easy way of doing it. I would surly try making it for my baby as well.

  21. Pingback: baby leg warmer lovin: our new stash! | rabit stew

  22. Steph

    I LOVE these! I’ve been looking for an easy way to make these for my little girl! Thank you 🙂

  23. Ashley

    I was wondering, Do you find that the thigh hole is too big for a small baby? Don’t they fall down? I got 3 pairs of womens size 3-9 knee high socks but I worry the thigh part is going to be too loose.

  24. Amanda

    I would buy them if they were cheap enough… I haven’t found a pair under $7 yet.. I’m thinking about trying to make my own but I don’t know how to sew 😦

  25. Anonymous

    I made these for my baby girl using Target’s women’s thigh high socks last year and they were so cute! I make them slightly different-Saw a tutorial on YouTube. Target’s socks are so cute, and at 15 months she still has them.

  26. Christa

    This are so cute! 🙂 you totally rockk! it’s so fun reading your diy lol you make it even funner for us to try it out! 🙂 Thnks!!

  27. love your baby legwarners 🙂

  28. Erin

    I love, love, love your method. Sooo incredibly cute! Cannot wait to make some & you should totally make them and sell them to people.

  29. Chrissy

    I would so buy your stuff 🙂

  30. Jenny

    Enjoyed this hilarious tutorial. Thank you!

  31. Chrissy

    You should totally start an ETSY account! Facebook account would be good too. Your leg Warner’s are so cute and I Wodehouse totally by lots 🙂

  32. La Tisha

    you should do etsy!!!! im on there all the time and it would be a great buisness!! i would soooooo buy!!!!!

  33. Maciel

    You would totally do great in the cloth diapering world! We use these as cloths because our cloth diapers give our babies “big booty” issues and its hard to find cute alternatives to pants! So we opt for one size up onsies and leg warmers. And yes, I have a boy!

  34. Mary Kaye

    Sweet baby legwarmers would make great gifts. Go ahead and open a shop!

  35. Danielle

    I came across this while looking at how to make my own for my daughter and I like your idea the best! My little one is currently sporting a really colorful cast on her left leg (needed surgery on her foot and the cast is for protection so it’ll heal) and it’s starting to get colder and I have NO pants that’ll fit over the cast. So I thought why not try leg warmers! I’m going to do this. BTW, I’d totally buy them if you sold on Etsy if I didn’t know how to sew myself.

  36. Vawn

    Thank you so much for sharing this idea. Much easier than dealing will elastic. 🙂

  37. amama13

    what if u dnt have a sewing machine??

  38. alyssa

    My two yr old loves these and so does my son I got the name.brand ones. It is easy to find girl socks but any one know were to find boy ones?

  39. Emily

    Check the men’s section of Target? The ladies section does have LOTS of options and I don’t think they’re all too girly for a boy at all! I’ve got a thousand pairs of St. Patty’s day knee socks and green cloth diapers… hunting and gathering and sewing some just in time for our first baby to be born Mid-Feb!!

  40. Candice A

    Im a million years late.. but These are absolutely adorable ! And if you havnt started an etsy, you should.

  41. Candice-leigh

    Absolutely brilliant… I hope you truly have gone on to start some business venture of some kind. You seem passionate and creative while still being frugal. You sold me I’m off to the shop tomorrow, but changing up your original idea to my 6 year old daughter. Thanking you dearly for sharing. C.

  42. Myra

    I made some for my 3-year-old grandgirl using the foot part for a cuff which made them longer and made them fit over leggings and pants (jeans). She loves them.

  43. Pingback: 62 things you can do with your old mismatched socks | Cooking Daily

  44. Pingback: 62 things you can do with your old mismatched socks - Appsoko - What You Missed Today

  45. Pingback: 62 things you can do with your old mismatched socks - Wow News Express

  46. Pingback: 62 things you can do with your old mismatched socks » GeoFront Capital Group

  47. Jen

    Awesome pattern! My baby will have club feet so I need to find something to put over the casts. Medical bills are going to be so expensive so finding a way to do this myself for cheap is amazing. Thank you so much for the pattern!

  48. Pingback: 62 things you can do with your old mismatched socks | Business Insider

  49. Kathy

    Here’s another hint for all of you —- use shirts too! Children’s sweaters, sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts, etc. make wonderful leg warmers. To the mom of a baby with club foot – consider these alternatives for leg warmers as you baby gets bigger. I was a special ed teacher – lots of kids in casts, with medical equipment we had to figure out ways to make it work….

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